
Your Phone Says You Need Milk

Check to see if you're out of butter by looking in your fridge with your cell phone. According to the ElectricNews that is the plan.

Thought 1: An entire "life network" of cameras, from your work cubicle to your garage. Obsesive Compulsives would have a hay day. Or possibly a whole new generation of young people would be transformed by this technology into obsessives?

Thought 2: If we think distracted drivers are bad now, wait until they are looking at their phones as they meander down the road.

Thought 3: VC folk, invest in any company who is developing video camera detection equipment. "Camera Free" will be the new marketing phrase.

Thought 4: A new never ending paradox/ reality entertainment venue: web pages that shows video feeds of people looking at their "life networks" on cell cameras. Or web pages that show video feeds of people online looking at video feeds of people looking at their "life networks" on cell cameras. Or...well you get the point.

Thought 5: Must stop thinking about camera phones. (Also hoping that people who smoke weed aren't reading this blog.)

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